A group of peole, two on a couch, and two in separate chairs, in a circle facing eachother and talking

Additional Services

We are proud to provide Enneagram Group Training, LPC/LCSW Supervision, and Business Employee Therapy in both a 1:1 and group setting. See details below to learn more and get started.

Enneagram Training


On-site group training for any professional team about the Enneagram, including education about individual numbers and how applying the Enneagram with your team will immediately improve team functioning.

Digital resources included in the training; printed materials available at an extra cost

Ability to personalize the training to your team’s specific needs and pain points

Currently offering 1, 2, and 3 hour trainings.

Customized curriculums are available


LPC/LCSW Supervision

Sarah and Damien walk down a sidewalk, holding hands, looking at eachother and smiling
  • Earn your supervision hours with Damien (LPC-S) or Sarah (LCSW-S) individually and in a group.

  • Learn the clinical skills needed in your agency setting and meet at our office or virtually

  • If interested, learn how to run a private practice while seeing clients in our group practice (and get paid!)

  • Get supervision that highlights racial equity and justice, multidisciplinary perspectives, and gender variance in providing services by having access to BOTH Damien and Sarah

  • Those seeking LCSW licensure in Texas need to accumulate at least 3000 in a minimum of 24 months and not exceed 48 months, with 100 supervision hours, doing clinical work that includes at least 4 hours weekly of diagnosing and treatment planning for clients/patients


If you’re interested in working with us…

please send us an email to info@atxmentalhealth.com and include the following:

Most recent résumé, the licensure are you currently seeking, where you are currently working or studying, your desired start date, what do you want from working with us. Thanks!

Employee Therapy for Businesses

  • Individual Therapy

    Your employees can request to meet with someone on our team without the potential fear of involving their supervisors in their need for support. We keep confidential records and do not report on their mental health to your company. We provide an invoice to you every month and the reassurance that your team is getting the support they need from us and from you.

  • Group Training

    We can create customized group training topics for your team so that they benefit from therapeutic support even if their schedule does not allow for individual sessions or they are not interested currently. Our most popular trainings are on Communication Skills, Mindfulness & Self-Awareness, Self-Carre, Burrnouut, and The Enneagram.

  • Partnership

    Many businesses provide health insurance options that include mental health benefits, but lately, that coverage can be inadequate or nonexistent as the cost of health care rises. This unique partnership will allow you too show support to your team and reduce burnout, turnover, and compounding medical issues that can impact your business. We are able to partner with you to make sure your team and your business thrive.

ATX Mental Health icon - an open circle with two curved lines stacked beaneath it

Empower your team to grow with new tools.